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Speaking engagements

Edmonton, Alberta, 2020

Two Ways of Seeing - Bridging Forecasting & Foresight

2020 Emergency Management Stakeholder Summit , Centre for Applied Disaster and Emergency Management (CADEM), NAIT Productivity and Innovation Centre

Today’s turbulent environment is a landscape of increasing complexity, decreasing predictability, with risks becoming deep uncertainties. Business-as-usual is no longer sufficient.

It requires expanding our capability to anticipate, explore uncertainty, establish insights and generate the creative capacity to shape the future. This presentation will cover the discipline of anticipation and two ways of seeing the world, bridging short-term methods (e.g. forecasting), with long-term methods (e.g. foresight) to support adaptation and future resilience.

Winnipeg, Manitoba, 2019

Understanding the Human Experience of Emergencies and Disasters

Canadian Risks and Hazards Network (CRHNet) Annual Symposium

The experience of being caught in an emergency or disaster can have a long lasting impact on human thoughts and emotions. While it’s important to focus on the physical risks and safety aspects during a crisis, sometimes the human element of the situation can be forgotten.

This presentation will focus on design research collected as part of the Shelter Smart project to support building an inclusive and resilient community approach. Our process included a story-telling activity to capture narratives to assist in understanding the experience of past emergency/disaster events, as well as, creating a collective citizen and emergency manager persona to identify differences in perspectives. Eight important themes were identified and will be covered with attention given to highlighting the human factor, and understanding of human interaction within an emergency environment.

Ottawa, Canada, 2019

Strategic Foresight & Opportunities for Disaster Risk Management

Canadian BCP & Emergency Management

An introduction to futures thinking and exploring drivers, trends and the changing external environment. It explored the difference between forecasting and foresight, working with uncertainty and generating agency for action to enhance coping capacities, preparedness, capabilities and investments.

Virtual Global Conference, 2019

Strategic Foresight & Opportunities for Disaster Risk Management

Hammer Forge

An introduction to futures thinking, evolving risk landscape, drivers of change, and the dynamic environment increasing complexity and uncertainty. Session included opportunities to integrate forward-looking activities to manage current and future risks, and the role of anticipatory adaptation towards shaping a shared vision of the future.

Lancaster, United Kingdom, 2019

Polar Opposites? Command and Control Leadership vs. Principles of Design Thinking

Innovation Methodologies for Defence Challenges (IMDC) , Lancaster University

This session explored the question, can the design thinking culture survive and thrive in a command and control leadership structure?

It included a comparison in the leadership principles, structure, function, values and archetypes between the command and control and the civilian design thinking culture. Session concluded with the role of a creative leader in fostering the right conditions in order for creativity and innovation to succeed and thrive.

Ottawa, Canada, 2018

An Introduction to Strategic Foresight, Planning & Innovation – A Practical Approach

Innovation Methodologies for Defence Challenges (IMDC) , Saint-Paul University

An introductory workshop to build futures literacy and knowledge of strategic foresight and military application in strategy development, planning and identifying new opportunities for innovation.


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